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Street address: 3910 South John Young Parkway # A
City / suburb: Orlando, FL
Zip code: 32839
Phone: (407) 246-0919 (Primary Phone)
(407) 246-0919 (Customer Service)
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E-mail: snappbail@aol.com
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Bail Bonds By Mike Snapp

Mike Snapp Bail Bonds, serving Orlando, FL and surrounding areas, provides fast, reliable and confidential bail bonding services on a 24 hour per day basis for most people that have only a vague idea of what exactly happens when a person is arrested and wishes to be released on bail. Our agents are professionals who understand all the stress you face when trying to arrange bail for a friend or loved one, and we are here to help provide fast release, convenient, stress-free services, 24 hours, 7 days a week! Since 1978, Mike Snapp Bail Bonds has focused its efforts on providing superior service to people who often are in jail for the first time and don’t understand the bail process. Our telephones are answered by trained bail professionals and not an answering service so that you get answers to your questions fast. We do everything we can to make the bail bonding process smooth and stress-free such as:• We clearly explain each step in the process, and we’re up front with you on all issues. • We provide bond advice, and we move quickly to arrange bail and write the bond. • We can provide a bond over the phone while you’re at home. Call now or visit our website for more information.

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Estimated number of employees: 5 to 9
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Orlando, FL

bail enforcement services, court services (judicial)

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12:00 am - 11:30 pm
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12:00 am - 11:30 pm
12:00 am - 11:30 pm
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