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EEIS Consulting Engineers
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Street address: 624 W International Airport Rd #104
City / suburb: Anchorage, AK
Zip code: 99518
Phone: (907) 258-3231 (Main)
Contact name: Richard C Button
Contact title: Owner
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Fax: (907) 272-1288
Website: https://www.eeis.net
E-mail: rbutton@eeis.net
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Founded in 1985 as Engineering Evaluation and Investigation Services, Inc., EEIS Consulting Engineers, Inc. was created.

EEIS is a prime consultant with an integrated engineering team consisting of both EEIS core professionals and qualified subconsultants.

Long-standing relationships with other engineering consulting companies enable EEIS to integrate all disciplines and services under one design roof. These relationships provide EEIS with a unique ability to quickly assemble an efficient and organized team of design professionals specifically tailored for a project.

The EEIS integrated team approach promotes effective coordination of input from the client and multiple disciplines through on-line team sharing and collaboration, comprehensive design meetings and reviews, and design management oversight. This approach reduces interdisciplinary conflicts, prevents layout and equipment conflicts, develops design consensus, enhances code compliance, and eliminates rework during fabrication and construction.

In addition to the traditional engineering services, EEIS offers additional services, including fire detection and suppression design, geotechnical investigation, surveying, hazardous materials evaluation, and cost estimating through the use of subconsultants with whom EEIS has long-established professional relationships. EEIS also assists with municipal and Alaska State Fire Marshal permitting, and can provide landscape design, feasibility studies, document control, expert witness testimony, and logistical support and procurement services.

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Estimated number of employees: 20
Annual sales estimate: 1,264,000
City / suburb: Anchorage, AK
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EEIS Consulting Engineers, Inc
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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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