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Street address: 1800 Pembrook Drive, Suite 300
City / suburb: Orlando, FL
Zip code: 32810
Phone: (866) 251-8827 (Primary Phone)
(407) 362-5449 (Local)
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We’re a Florida web design and Web Development Company, providing fresh, creative digital services to businesses who want to grow online.

Avid Web Design creates websites that offer an effortless user experience, achieve high rankings on the major search engines, and promote your business and brand to your target audience. Our highly skilled web design team translates your message into the digital language of content, functionality and images essential to building sites that bring visitors back again and again. We strive to balance the marketing goals of our clients with website design best practices and the latest in online technology, while adhering to established brand guidelines to ensure a uniform public identity. Our fields of expertise range from optimizing visual design to maximizing the impact of innovations in Internet technology working closely with our clients to understand their goals, target market and budget, we craft websites that put your company on the virtual map.We understand your business and know the many different ways your customers use the web. Our technical and creative blend of talent enables us to utilize this knowledge and provide innovative digital solutions that really work... solutions that we call experiences which make your visitors want to revisit time and time again.Our approach begins with an analysis of your market’s potential, your competition and your customers. We review existing marketing materials and strategy and retain the best assets as design cues used in your new website design. We visit other websites, both in your business space and beyond, to take inspiration from the elements we find most compelling and suitable for your online identity. Finally, we create a wireframe (similar to a blueprint) for layout of different pages and build the design from there.We’ve also been providing online marketing services for many years – We put the right strategy in place – We develop a winning campaign that will reach your customers and bring you the highest ROI. We are industry leaders, and we only hire the best and brightest for our team. With Avid Web Design, you get unlimited access to qualified experts and the most advanced marketing tools available today.Our GoalsWe base our process on open communication, best web development practices, high-quality code and a level of customer support that is unsurpassed in our industry.We invite our clients into our close-knit company, helping them grasp even the most complex aspect of their site development. Contact us today. You’ll never be disappointed.

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Estimated number of employees: 20 to 49
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City / suburb: Orlando, FL

internet development tools (software), email marketing services, web site accessibility services, web site design, web site maintenance services, web interface programming services, internet marketing services, graphic design services, web services, design services, web site promotion services, hosting services (internet), web site development software

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