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Street address: 3956 Town Center Blvd #140 Orlando, FL 32837-6103
City / suburb: Orlando, FL
Zip code: 32837
Phone: (321) 202-9360 (Primary Phone)
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We are in the business of creating long-term partnership with our clients. Transparency, robust project management and seamless communication are the

DevUp Solution will work to help you bring order to your Big Data with proven expertise in mature technologies and thought leadership in those that are emerging, our team of senior-level consultants will help you implement the technologies you need to manage and understand your data - allowing you to predict customer demand and make better decisions faster than ever before.IT consulting and strategy to align information systems with your business objectives. Advisory skills, Technical skills, Business skills, Communication skills, Management skills, Advisory language skills, Business and management language skills, Technical language skills.DevUp develops high-end software applications and utilities. We build systems in different technologies using the best practice of development of software for example: Java, PHP, .NET, HTML 5 Android e Object c. We are also known in our industry for robust, high quality development of a wide range of custom programs and our in-depth knowledge of hardware infrastructure and complex database design.OutSourcing: DevUp offers a flexible set of services, from a complete transformation of the customer model to the intervention in a simple specific cost or a performance problem. The DevUp of services can help to contain IT costs or the rationalization of operations in this area, to prepare a possible merger, acquisition or expansion. To drive the business aimed at high performance, organizations need adequate infrastructure at low cost in order to meet current and future needs.

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City / suburb: Orlando, FL

Jboss, JSF, Big Data, web services, web interface programming services, C#, Websphere, Struts, struts, java software, web-based interactive training services, Hadoop, JPA, Data Analytics, web site development software, web site maintenance services, Web Services, Restfull, web based development services, PHP, EJB, Apache tomcat, web site accessibility services, Web Development, HTML5, Hibernate, web site translation services, Java

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