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City / suburb: Nokomis, FL
Zip code: 34275
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E-mail: universe_mail@auniverseproject.com
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A Universe Project is working to review products, services and latest developments from anywhere on the web about anything we like. But we want more

A Universe Project was created by two Military Officers, friends from the same high school, who attended college in the same town and are now stationed at the same place; it was only logical that The Project should have happened. We take great pride in our humor and in our ability to stumble upon great products. Thus, A Universe Project likes to think highly of itself, probably because we enjoy the finer things in life (or at least reading up on them); some may say the ridiculously over-priced, no longer 'finer' but absurd qualities of life. That's ok with us. Our goal here at The Project is to chronicle all things awesome. The Project will not keep you up to date on international affairs, movement of the markets, or political nonsense. It will, however, keep you savvy to what

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City / suburb: Nokomis, FL

whiskey, commentary, rum, gin, consumer information services, web publishing, blog, style, beer, liquor cabinets

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