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Street address: 765 W 3rd St
City / suburb: Corona, CA
Zip code: 92882
Phone: (949) 836-4365 (Primary Phone)
(949) 836-4365 (Billing)
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Life Coach, Volunteer

Hello. My name is Joe Rodriguez. I am a bilingual motivational speaker and volunteer, focused on helping the Spanish and English speaking communities and its members think positively, handle stress and ultimately, enjoy life! My goal is to help men and women build confidence, foster creativity and inspire passion within themselves. I grew up in a small border town between San Diego CA and Yuma AZ I was raised in an area struggling with employment, drug trafficking, and gang activity at the time. Calexico CA has a startlingly high unemployment rate of 22%-25% and conditions remain challenging there. I saw firsthand the challenges that my friends, neighbors and family faced. These issues struck me close to home when I discovered that my own son was in a gang age 12. This left me shocked and dumbfounded. I have dealt with depression,crippling anxiety and self doubt, but through determination and a sense of purpose, I rose above my challenges. I saw the need for emotional support and empowerment for those around me. I vowed to make a difference. I volunteered helping terminally ill people in Hospice care to find peace for two years and I’ve been helping individuals and groups overcome suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety for over 10 years now. I currently live in Corona CA with my family and I’d like you to know that if you or someone you know is feeling alone, depressed anxious or alienated, I will be there to help. I invite anyone interested in my services to contact me directly. Thank you and God Bless.

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City / suburb: Corona, CA

personal services, counseling services, life coach

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