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Street address: 3514 NW 67th St.
City / suburb: Seattle, WA
Zip code: 98117
Phone: (206) 782-1277 (Primary Phone)
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PantherEnterprises.com is an independent physician recruiting and job placement sole proprietorship owned by Chris Warner in Seattle Washington.

ABOUT PantherEnterprises.com PantherEnterprises.com was formed in 1989 in Long Beach California as a sole proprietorship. Its purpose is to recruit and place physicians and occasionally other health care professionals. The firm recruits and places all medical specialties. Half of the placements in jobs are primary care and half are specialists. The firm has placed over 450 physicians, currently has an active client base of sixty organizations and files of over 10,500 physicians. The firm does permanent placement on a contingency or retained basis and places and recruits Locum Tenens physicians in a cooperative relationship with a Locum firm for existing clients. The owner of the firm, Chris Warner, has a BS Preventive Medicine'65 and an MBA Health Care Admin'68.

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Estimated number of employees: 1
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Seattle, WA
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