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Street address: 5550 Casavedra Ct.
City / suburb: Jacksonville, FL
Zip code: 32244
Phone: (606) 336-1292 (Primary Phone)
(606) 336-6038 (Choose a Label)
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E-mail: mandcbookkeepingservices@hotmail.com
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M & C Bookkeeping Services is working for small business owners to help to reduce taxes, get better cash flow management, and increase profits!

M & C Bookkeeping Services specializes in helping small business owners to get the most out of their financial side of their business. I am here to help them to reduce their taxes, get better cash flow management, and increase profits! My services are.... Full Charge Bookkeeping Services Bookkeeping Services Accounts Payable Services Accounts Receivable Services Payroll Services Account Reconciliation Trial Balance/ Balance Sheet/ Income Statements Typing Services I specifically design a hand posted or computerized accounting system exclusively for each business. Owners can do their own books and I can do the bookkeeping for them, I can do the books and the bookkeeping, or we can do them together. Including the monthly billings and income statements. The cost of accounting quickly and accurately is so small that it even amazes me! For a free consultation please contact me at 606-336-1292. I look forward to hearing from you. Melissa McCarty M & C Bookkeeping Services

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Estimated number of employees: 2 to 4
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City / suburb: Jacksonville, FL

business services, collection letters, accounts receivable services, accounts payable services, payroll services, account reconciliation, profit and loss statements, balance sheet, trial balance, account books (ledgers)

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8:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
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