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Street address: Mobile
City / suburb: Naples, FL
Zip code: 34108
Phone: (407) 791-7590 (Primary Phone)
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Mobile massage therapist hoping to work on you and the ones you care about.

I am a full time massage therapist and I love what I do. I work with essential oils as well as organic body scrubs that I personally make myself. I started my healing journey with nursing assistance schooling and quickly realized that massage was what I needed to focus my full attention on. I have helped many people with their aches and pains as well as their regular relaxation periods. I have a team of chiropractors that send their clients to me to loosen up, feel better and generally relax enough for them to do their job with the bones. I work with many people with neck and upper back and shoulder pain caused by sitting at computers all day and traveling on a regular basis as well as clients with lower back hip and leg pain caused by many issues ranging from injuries caused by car accidents to just not stretching enough and working too much. I hope that if there is anything you need from my services with just a simple phone call we can get everything squared away and get you feeling 100% again or for the first time ever.

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City / suburb: Naples, FL

Organic body scrub, Body massage, Chair massage, essential oils, Foot massage, Hand arm and shoulder massage, Head massage, Event massage, Muscle pain relief

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