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Street address: 8615 Commodity CircleSuite 8
City / suburb: Orlando, FL
Zip code: 32819
Phone: (800) 498-5640 (Primary Phone)
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Business descriptionEdit
Award Winning Events and Marketing Firm.

Prepared to be Exhilarated~ A boutique firm with big ideas to create exception events, marketing for events and event companies. Engaging the attendee is harder and more important than ever. It is imperative to identify the goals of the event before planning and design beings. We are experts at pre-event strategy, during event experiential and post-event follow up and measurement. We consult with companies about their events: product launches, promotions, tradeshows, customer appreciation, and sale force conferences. If you've ever had an event and didn't know the results of how the event was perceived or couldn't measure the results of the marketing spend or couldn't justify the cost to your boss on whether you should do "it" again, then you neeed Exhilarate. 800-498-5640

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Estimated number of employees: 2 to 4
Annual sales estimate:
City / suburb: Orlando, FL

event planning services

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