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City / suburb: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Zip code: 33432
Phone: (561) 542-7930 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: info@CompetitiveMarketingAdvantage.com
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Business descriptionEdit
A consulting, strategy and marketing services firm helping companies build valued brands, generate demand, create urgency on sales and expand markets.

Competitive Marketing Advantage (CMA) is a consulting, strategy and marketing services firm with a proven track record of helping both start-up and Fortune 500 companies build valued brands, generate demand, create urgency on sales, shape perceptions, expand markets and nurture customer relationships. Whether it's a project or full-time on-site support, the CMA change agents will quickly and cost-effectively deliver integrated sales and marketing programs that generate qualified leads, capture market share and positively impact the bottom-line. Our permission-based methodology for marketing and demand generation is designed to help you gain a competitive advantage and sustainable value proposition -- one that separates and differentiates your company. We have 20 years of expertise.

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Estimated number of employees: 10 to 19
Annual sales estimate:
City / suburb: Fort Lauderdale, FL

marketing services, consumer marketing services, marketing intelligence services, Demand generation, Crisis, Corporate, Financial, Gov't Comm, Sales enablement and collateral, Social media, PR and analyst relations

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