Admas Travel Agency Inc
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Business description
Admas Travel & Tours is a 21st Century Full Travel Service establishment committed to bring the highest level of quality service to our customers. It is our customer service, which is the reason for o
When we say, “We can make a World of Difference” here’s why:
1. Reliability – We providing you with the lowest fares on a broad choice of Carriers to worldwide destinations.
2. Choice – Whatever your destination or choice of Carrier you can rely on Admas Travel & Tours to make all the arrangements under the best available terms.
3. Price – we can negotiate the most competitive prices with the widest variety of Carriers, Hotel, Car rental companies serving the most destinations and we will try to find you the best value.
General information
- Consumer Products & Services Travel & Leisure Travel Agencies Travel Agencies, Tourist Information Manufacturers, Tourist Agency Arranging Transport, Lodging and Car Rental
- Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, And Transportation Services Travel Agencies
Standard industrial classification code: | 4724 | |
Estimated number of employees: | 10 | |
Annual sales estimate: | 1,000,000 | |
City / suburb: | Minneapolis, MN | |
County: | Hennepin |
We offer from International travel to tour guide to Africa. Car rental, Hotel, and much more...
Whether you’re traveling to classic destinations such as Hawaii, Las Vegas, New York City, a Caribbean Cruise, London Paris or Rome, Admas Travel & Tours has the knowledge and experience to help you enjoy these favorites in a whole new way. We will help you to branch out to explore more exotic places like Africa, Australia, South America, Asia or a world cruise because our motto is “Turning Travel dreams into reality! ”.
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