Chester Springs Studio

Chester Springs Studio in Chester Springs, PA
Art School / Gallery
1668 Yellow Springs Rd., Chester Springs, PA 19425
Nearest landmarks:
Historic Yellow Springs
(610) 827-7414


Street address:
1668 Yellow Springs Rd.

City / suburb:
Chester Springs



ZIP code:

(610) 827-7414 (Studio Program Manager)

Contact name:
Cher Pizzi

Contact title:
Studio Program Manager

(610) 827-7414 (Art & Pottery Class, Exhibits)

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Offset Printing

Business description

Chester Springs Studio offers art and pottery classes for kids, teens and adults. Community wood kiln firings and private rentals. Fine art exhibitions.

Chester Springs Studio is a vibrant arts center at Historic Yellow Springs. Founded in 1978 as an offshoot of Historic Yellow Springs, the Studio grew in reputation as a nationally known home for the visual arts, particularly in the areas of painting and ceramics. In October 2007, the art studio formally became part of Historic Yellow Springs through an institutional merger. The merger unified the village of Yellow Springs and formed the basis for an innovative mix of art and history classes, workshops and exhibits.

General information

Business data
Standard industrial classification code: 8412
Estimated number of employees: 10
Annual sales estimate: 100,000
City / suburb: Chester Springs, PA
County: Chester

Fine Art Classes: Drawing, watercolor, acrylic and oil painting classes.


Faculty include: Suzanne Kent, Susan Bankert, Jeanie Silver, Jessica Greet, Matt Wren, Nell Hazinski, Rhona Candeloro, Mick McAndrews, Martin Pieczonka, Louise Vinueza, Georganna Lenssen, Carol Gannon...

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More details about this business

According to our records, this business is located at 1668 Yellow Springs Rd. in Chester Springs (in Chester County), Pennsylvania 19425, the location GPS coordinates are: 40.0991826292185 (latitude), -75.62087059021 (longitude). Chester Springs Studio is categorized under Education Centers (SIC code 8412). Known organization studio program manager is Cher Pizzi. Current estimates show that the unit has a sales volume of $100000 and staff of approximately 10 people. You can contact the company by phone at (610) 827-7414; the following fax number is also provided: (610) 827-7414. Business website can be accessed at Open from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm (Monday - Saturday).
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Chester Springs Studio Plein air painting classes at Chester Springs Studio in Historic Yellow Springs. Chester Springs, PA
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9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Hours vary with each semester. Call 610.827.7414 for additional information and for current classes. Evening class hours are listed in brochure.
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