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CLH Counseling, PLLC, LCSW
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Street address: 892 Route 35
City / suburb: Cross River, NY
Zip code: 10518-1111
Phone: (914) 763-0868
Contact name: Cynthia Haupt
Contact title: Executive Director
Nearest landmark: Cameron's Deli
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Cynthia Haupt, MSS, LCSW-R, NBDCH is a Licensed Board Certified Psychotherapist with 30 years experience in the mental health field. She is the executive director of a private practice in New York.

Ms. Haupt has a Master of Science degree from Columbia University and a bachelor degree in Psychology from Manhattanville College. She is a Board Certified Diplomat in Clinical Hypnotherapy(NBCDH) and a Master practioner in Neuro- Linguistic Programming(NLP).Ms. Haupt has trained in the areas " Core Energetics"(body therapy), family systems theory, cognitive/behavioral treatment models, CBT and DBT, sexuality therapy, communication modalities, meditation( Vipasanna and Holosync) and yoga practices, holistic health, and music and art therapy. Ms. Haupt is an innovative, creative and committed psychotherapist and community advocate. She is widely respected as a clinician, psychoeducational trainer, speaker and group facilitator.

Ms. Haupt utilizes a broad framework to work with a diverse client population in several areas of expertise including issues related to depression, anxiety, life transitions, learning challenges, job and school issues social phobias, family conflict, marital and intimacy issues, eating disorders, behavioral management, self confidence and self esteem issues and parenting support. Ms. Haupt has given numerous trainings and workshops to business corporations, schools, community centers and other human service agencies. Ms. Haupt was a speaker on a televised news program on parenrting and step parenting issues, addressing behavioral strategies for both parents and childeren. Her workshops have received excellent reviews from participants and the media.

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City / suburb: Cross River, NY
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