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Street address: 617 Stokes Rd Suite 4 #187
City / suburb: Medford, NJ
Zip code: 08055
Phone: (856) 286-1011 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: carolyn@bella-systems.com
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Bella Systems Philly is a custom closet company that designs and installs closet systems, home offices, laundry rooms and wall units.

Bella Systems Philly can help you get organized! Our product line includes much more than just custom closets. We can help you with your closets, pantries, wall units, garages, basements, laundry rooms, and even your home office. We are experts at making the most of your storage space. The process of getting this completed starts by us using a state of the art 3D design software to plan out your project during your design consultation. This also gives you the ability to see exactly how your space will look before it has been completed. Your designer will going over with you certain criteria's of your project such as: How much long Hang space will you need? Do you hang your pants long or folded? How many pairs of shoes? The need for drawers or pull out baskets? Whether you want to enhance your current closet space, organize your garage, or design the perfect home office Bella Systems Philly is your choice for quality and service. Our goal is to exceed our customer's expectations on every project. By using only furniture grade materials and providing excellent customer service to our clients. This insures we make the whole process as luxurious as our closets.

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Estimated number of employees: 2 to 4
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City / suburb: Medford, NJ

glass cabinets, home offices, laundry room organizers, garage organizers, closet organizers, desk drawer organizers, drawer chests, storage rack systems, pantry storage bins, storage bins, storage benches, jewelry storage, office storage cabinets, bedroom storage cabinets, display cabinets, cabinet parts, home office furniture, wall units, storage cabinets, filing cabinets, cabinet doors, dresser hutches, clohes hanging units, custom closets, media shelving units, garage shelving units, closet shelving units, shelving units, storage baskets, garage storage cabinets

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9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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