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City / suburb: Whittier, CA
Zip code: 90605
Phone: (562) 228-0051 (Primary Phone)
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Why should you hire a licensed, insured and certified damaged restoration company like Five Star Restoration & Remodeling?

Why should you hire a licensed, insured and certified damaged restoration company like Five Star Restoration & Remodeling? Because our professional restoration technicians understand the need for a rapid response! Immediate remediation is the key to minimizing structural damage, potential health risks and to controlling escalating costs. When disaster strikes and you call on Five Star Restoration & Remodeling, our skilled professionals concentrate on safely drying, deodorizing, and disinfecting the areas damaged by water. We have responded to a wide variety of restoration needs for our valued clients in the Whittier California area since 2008! The longer the remediation is delayed, the higher the cost of restoration and the greater chance of mold growing. In addition, we work with you and your insurance company to create a seamless process during the restoration of your damaged home or business. Our certified restorers have the knowledge to apply the custom restoration techniques required to return your items to their pre-loss condition. We proudly service the Greater Whittier, California area of Azusa, Covina, Hacienda Heights, Rowland Heights, Duarte and Glendora.

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City / suburb: Whittier, CA

fire damage restoration services, mold control and removal services, flood damage restoration services, emergency fire damage restoration services, water damage restoration services, crime scene clean-up services, earthquake damage restoration services, carpet cleaning services, carpet spot and stain removal services, storm damage restoration services, emergency flood damage restoration services

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12:00 - 12:00 am
12:00 - 12:00 am
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12:00 - 12:00 am
12:00 - 12:00 am
12:00 - 12:00 am
12:00 - 12:00 am
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