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Street address: 48125 211th street
City / suburb: White, SD
Zip code: 57276
Phone: (517) 610-1467 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: sheilarae8022@gmail.com
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Flourless Revolution starts at Bizzy Lizzy Bakery. We are out to prove flour is not needed to make delicious, amazing bakery without flour.

BIzzy Lizzy is "the first and only flourless bakery in the U.S." for a reason. Simply because people believe you can not bake without flour. YES YOU CAN! Flour is has no "Purpose" with ALL PURPOSE FLOUR being the worse of the flours. We believe it has no purpose. Eating Flourless/Wheat Free is great for your body for so many reasons. Check out our blog we add reasons all the time. But to start it is an inflammatory product that makes our joints hurt. Not good for our digestion system it is like "glue for the gut'! We offer everything you would find in a traditional bakery just no flour of any kind. We don't use wheat flour, soy flour, potato flour, tapioca flour, or the dread rice flour. We use whole grain oatmeal and 14 mesh flax seed. Flax seed whole is non-digestible to we do have it ground. Our goal at Bizzy Lizzy is to grow all of our own grains on the farm within the next 5 years. We will control everything from the growing to the processing. We can help you give a great gift, or treat yourself. We had make everything and hand pack it with "LOVE". We love what we do and we share that passion in everything we do.

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Estimated number of employees: 2 to 4
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City / suburb: White, SD

brownies, oatmeal baked items, oatmeal, gluten free bakery mixes, vegan bakery, peanut butter bar, caramel popcorn, flourless brownie, Flourless cookies, healthy baking, healthy bakery, low glycemic foods, bizzy lizzy bakery, flourless bakery, gourmet bakery, high protein baked treats, high fiber baking, wheat belly's, wheat free baking, gourmet gift baskets, snack foods, breakfast cookies, vegetable granola, wheat free bread mixes, wheat free baking mixes, flourless baking, flourless bars, Flourless bread, flourless cake, Flourless muffins


Bizzy Lizzy Flourless Mix, Bizzy Lizzy Flourless Gourmet Cookies, Bizzy Lizzy Flourless Gourmet Granola, Bizzy Lizzry Flourless Brownies, Bizzy Lizzy Flourless Bars.

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