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Street address: 513 Happy Valley Road
City / suburb: Roseburg, OR
Zip code: 97471
Phone: (541) 315-5179 (Primary Phone)
(541) 315-5179 (Billing)
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Spectrum Cleaning & Restoration

Spectrum Cleaning and Restoration is a licensed, insured, and IICRC-Certified full-service carpet cleaning and restoration company servicing Douglas County, Oregon.Spectrum offers professional carpet cleaning services for commercial and residential clients. Using state-of-the-art equipment, Spectrum technicians employ a unique cleaning process to make carpet appear brand new. This thorough cleaning comes at reasonable rates and with our professional guarantee. Spectrum also offers duct cleaning, urine decontamination, furniture and upholstery cleaning, ozone or hydroxyl treatment, etc.Spectrum’s restoration services include water mitigation, and mold remediation. Spectrum ensures fast, efficient, and cost-effective service to restore homes and properties to pre-loss condition.We promise to be available. Spectrum representatives are available at all times to discuss your concerns. We are a locally owned and operated company with IICRC certification. Let us show you our quick, reliable and professional touch for any of your home needs. What you see is what you get, and we ensure you will be satisfied with our work. We would like you to be our next happy customer!We promise to be honest and ethical. Spectrum Cleaning and Restoration wants to gain your trust and is dedicated to consistently serving our customers in an honest and ethical manner. Doing the right thing, is the right thing to do!We promise to send qualified, professional technicians. People you can trust. You never have to wonder or fear who is at your door. Our team members are drug tested, background checked, and professionally trained. We meet with our Team members daily for training and communication. We provide trained professionals you will feel comfortable having in your home or property.We promise to protect and care for your home or property. Spectrum technicians will treat your property with respect by wearing shoe covers and placing protective floor coverings, such as rugs, in work areas. When the work is complete, we always clean up and leave your home or property neat to make sure you are not left with a mess. We will treat your home or property better than we treat our own.We promise to care. From the initial call to the completion of the work, we will keep you informed. At Spectrum Cleaning and Restoration, we know that carpet cleaning and restoration can be stressful, and we are committed to bringing you peace of mind with a job well done.

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Estimated number of employees:
Annual sales estimate: 92,000
City / suburb: Roseburg, OR
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