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Street address: 4267 Marette Dr.
City / suburb: Cincinnati, OH
Zip code: 45245
Phone: (513) 752-9339 (Primary Phone)
(513) 752-9339 (Sales)
(513) 752-3169 (Customer Service)
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We are in the people helping business.

What a great way to help people. Knowing that you can get up each day and have the opportunity to reach out to someone and truly help them at a time that they felt alone and with out any hope. This business is more like a ministry to me than a business. People are in need but don't know that there is a service that can help them. We provide that service and do it in a way that they can afford. No more saying "You will hear from my attorney about this" and not meaning it. Now you have the same power as the rich people have. You have assess to one of the greatest clubs in this country. You can be part of the current 1.4 million members and soon to be 5 to 30 million members over the next few years. This is a great business for me and can be for you as well. Why not look into being a person that helps others not only with legal and Identity protection but help them earn a great income as well. People need to hear about this service. Why not get paid for telling them. Come join me and be a part of something that is going to change the way this country's legal system works.You can be part of this growth part time or full time. As an extra income or a career change. Legal Shield has paid out over one Billion dollars over the past ten years to their Associates. Come be a part of the Billions more that is coming our way. I'm glad that I'm a part of Legal Shield and I know that with my help you will be glad to be part of it to. Don't get me wrong.... You do not have to join the business to be a member. You can be happy just knowing that your family are protected. So look over my web site and see if you see a value for you. Then if you do consider that many people you know may see that value as well.

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City / suburb: Cincinnati, OH

Credit Report, Credit Scores, Total Restoration, Child Identity Theft, Medical Identity Theft, Criminal Identity Theft, Financial Identity Theft, Driver License Identity Theft, Identity Consultations, Continuous Monitoring, Family Protection, Case Closing Process, Proactive Searches, Fraud Alerts


Kroll Advisory Solutions, Legal Shield, Go Small Biz.

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