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Street address: 1805 Siesta Dr
City / suburb: Sarasota, FL
Zip code: 34239
Phone: (941) 957-3223 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: doctor@larubinstein.com
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Dr. Rubinstein has over 20 years of experience in both Cosmetic Surgery as well as his Medical Practice helping those with Allergies.

Our special technique is RejuvENHANCE Technique. RejuvENHANCE Breast Augmentation Technique with no visible skin scar- Now available with your choice of FDA approved gel-filled implants or saline-filled implants; this innovative breast augmentation procedure developed by Leonard Rubinstein, MD is performed through a tiny incision made in the pigmented area surrounding the nipple called the areola and heals with a natural-appearing result without any visible skin scarring, compared to other procedures that can often leave unsightly scars. Leonard Rubinstein, MD has become one of the foremost teachers of "Liposculpting" and "Liposhifting" and is a frequently invited speaker at national and international symposia, sharing the platform with other distinguished Faculty like Dr. Ivo Pintanguy (

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Estimated number of employees: 5 to 9
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City / suburb: Sarasota, FL
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Heel Rx, Homeopathics, Obagi Rx, Rejuv Skin Care, Pro Reds.

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