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City / suburb: Colorado Springs, CO
Zip code: 80922
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E-mail: service@allstarskates.com
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Business descriptionEdit
All Star Skates LLC ("All Star Skates") is based in Centennial, Colorado. The Company's website, located at allstarskates.com is operated by All Star

Our customers are passionate about the sport of skating-from the average recreational skater, to the professional hockey player, we understand the passion that comes with maintaining the skating hobby. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the best shopping experience possible by consistently providing great brands at great values. We are dedicated to increasing that value by providing industry-leading customer service and product knowledge. We are dedicated to you, and helping you take your game to the next level. If this is what you have been looking for in a roller skates retailer, then you've come to the right store! Let us know how we are doing by contacting us at service@allstarskates.com.

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Estimated number of employees:
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City / suburb: Colorado Springs, CO

roller skate boots, ice hockey skates, kids roller skates, roller skates, artistic skates, roller skates, speed skates (ice), inline skates, roller skates, roller skate wheels, roller skate plates, roller skate parts and accessories, roller skates


Sure Grip, Chicago Skates, Pacer, Labeda, Vanilla.

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