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Street address: 222 Oleander St
City / suburb: Neptune Beach, FL
Zip code: 32266
Phone: (904) 534-1155 (Primary Phone)
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Seaside Endeavors, LLC

Seaside Endeavors’ mission is to design, construct and power the most efficient buildings possible. We believe energy efficient buildings with solar power, and/or wind power where practical, will enable us to continue to live our modern lifestyle with minimal impact on our environment. Solar energy is the power source that fuels our lives, harnessing it in a modern building is the heart of the sustainability movement. Wind energy, where feasible, is the perfect partner to a solar electric system.We strive to educate the owners of, and provide the renewable energy system most suitable for, every project we are involved in. We believe the efficient use and re-use of potable water or rainwater will enable us to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels by delaying the implementation of energy intensive desalination procedures for as long as possible. We provide the best products and solutions for water and energy conservation, as well as energy production, to promoteSustainable Living Now, For Our Future!Paul NicholsonPaul Nicholson married with two children resides in Neptune Beach, Florida. He served in the United States Merchant Marine for 23 years and retired as a Chief Engineer on a vessel serving the West Coast from Asia. He is a graduate of The Calhoon School of Marine Engineering in Maryland and has turned his engineering background into a passion for providing renewable energy for every project he’s involved in.After traveling around the globe and witnessing the style of life afforded most people on our planet, Paul has made it his mission to educate Americans on the problems of excessive consumption and to offer options for reducing their impact on our environment.“I do not believe we should limit the size of a project solely because of its’ footprint, but limit the project to the amount of power it can generate and water it can re-use to reduce its’ impact on the environment”.Paul’s’ Company, Seaside Endeavors believes we are the stewards of our planet. Our company will work tirelessly to help educate others towards sustainable lifestyle changes, to provide the best, lowest cost renewable energy systems possible, and to continue living the lifestyle necessary for future human enjoyment of this unique and wonderful planet.

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City / suburb: Neptune Beach, FL

geothermal energy research and development services, wind energy research and development services, heating ventilation and air conditioning services, solar arrays, solar electric power generation, wind power generation, solar power electrical services, solar energy research and development services, solar heating services, solar heating equipment, solar power systems

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