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Street address: 306 E Cedar Street
City / suburb: Cary, NC
Zip code: 27511
Phone: (919) 467-6315 (Primary Phone)
(919) 796-0510 (Mobile Phone)
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E-mail: tonyneighbors@loyal9.com
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Our commitment to quality, customer service, and timely job completion is our promise to our customers.

Ground water in its natural state, in most places throughout the Sierra foothills, is of good quality and is safe to drink. The key to bringing this water to use is a water well and water system which has been properly located and constructed, to provide you with a safe economical water supply. Here at Rawls / T & L Pump Services & Water Filtration, we will provide you with the best customer and quality service.Services: Well Pump Sales, Well Pump Repairs, Well Pump Replacements, Water Filtration System Installations, Water Filtration System Repairs, Ultraviolet Light System Installations, Ultraviolet Light System Repairs,Water Well Drilling,Water Quality Testing,Water Well DeepeningSpecialties: Well Pumps, Drills, Water Filtration System, Water Softeners, Commerical Service, Industrial Service

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Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Cary, NC

Water Softeners, deep well pump systems, watering systems, Well Pumps, water softener installation services, Water Filtration System, water softener services, water well systems, water softening equipment


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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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