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Street address: 11019 N Towne Square Road # 8
City / suburb: Mequon, WI
Zip code: 530924955
Phone: (262) 241-3845 (Phone)
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E-mail: sales@eaglecmms.com
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Eagle Technology is a developer of computerized maintenance management software (CMMS) for facilities worldwide.

Eagle Technology, Inc. is a developer of Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS). Eagle's Proteus and Equipsoft lines of software help facilities streamline maintenance operations while decreasing maintenance-related costs. Our software integrates asset management, maintenance management, inventory control, labor tracking, purchasing and reporting. Proper use of a CMMS results in a return on investment in 6 to 12 months. Products are available as web-based or client/server solutions. Our software is customizable and scalable, with editions ranging from entry-level to enterprise. Call us for a free evaluation copy at 1-800-388-3268 or email sales@eaglecmms.com to see our software in action!

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Estimated number of employees: 10 to 19
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City / suburb: Mequon, WI

CMMS, Computerized Maintenance Management Sftw, asset management software


Proteus, Equipsoft

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