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Street address: 100 Wailea Golf Club Dr
City / suburb: Kihei, HI
Zip code: 96753
Phone: (808) 214-9696 (Phone)
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E-mail: admin@mauiwg.com
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One of the unique aspects of Maui Wellness group is our holistic health approach combining general wellness and healthy lifestyle support.

Our utilization of multiple healing modalities and our emphasis on the mind-body-spirit relationship ensures optimal results. With Maui Wellness Group you have the opportunity to choose to improve your health and well-being from many different angles. Our multi-talentedpractitioners work together or alone to address your overall state of wellness on all levels of your being.Our office is located at the beautiful Wailea Gold & Emerald Golf Course on the south end of Maui. Enjoy an amazing outdoor massage or yoga session high above Wailea with panoramic ocean views or a quiet, cool indoor room for a candlelight massage, energy therapy or acupuncture session. Or let us come to you !

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Estimated number of employees: 5 to 9
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City / suburb: Kihei, HI

Smoking Cessations, Stress Relief, Acupuncture Services, Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia, Yoga Services, Energy Healing, Addiction Couseling, Weight loss counseling, Immune Disorders, Massage Therapy, Lifestyle counseling, reiki massage services, Nutritional counseling, Polarity


Truestar Health, Solar Protection Formulas

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