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Street address: 6551 Char;es Ave
City / suburb: Mira Loma, CA
Zip code: 91752
Phone: (323) 893-4254 (Phone)
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E-mail: elblancolobo@gmail.com
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In home, business or on the streets individual one on one personal defense, situational awareness, conflict avoidance. Security system evaluation.

Thirty years in Law Enforcement have shown me that 97% of the public becomes a victims because of apathy, ignorance or stupidity. They fail to recognize a threat until its to late and don't have an escape plan. Many people (335 million) have firearms and are under a the impression they are safe just because they have a gun, thats far from the truth. In fact they are at greater risk of injury or death than non-gun owners. The use of a firearm in California for personal protection without training, education and a tactical plan of avoidance will likely get you arrested, sued, cost you your job, family, and friends. Why, because this is an anti-gun state an prosecutions are based on a political agenda not the law. I train, educate and develop tactics specific to the individual, one on one in their homes because we are not all the same. Cookie cutter group training programs are great for ex-military or law enforcement but for the average person who has a family or a job it's not practical. I've developed this program for you the mom's and dad's so that you can better protect yourselves and your children. I want you to survive, I want you to win the fight, and the aftermath if there's a use of deadly force. Two years in combat, thirty years in Law Enforcement as a field training officer, I've been there. I'll give you the solid foundation to be safe and secure in you life.

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Estimated number of employees: 1
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City / suburb: Mira Loma, CA

pistols, ammunition, revolvers, weapons, firearm accessories, fire arms instruction, rifles, sports and recreation repair and maintenance


El Blanco Lobo LLC

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