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Street address: 3600 Waketon Rd. #29
City / suburb: Flower Mound, TX
Zip code: 75028
Phone: (469) 605-1103 (Primary Phone)
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In just 3 days I lost just about 2 pounds and a total of 4 inches off my body!

In 1980, this was Herbalife: the dream of founder Mark Hughes, who sought a healthier lifestyle and a better way to lose weight. Mark turned a small investment into a protein shake and then into a company that was singularly focused on improving people’s lives.Today, while much has changed, that singular devotion to improving people’s lives remains at the core of everything we do. And the protein shake that Mark created, is now the global industry leader in a $10 billion meal replacement category.Herbalife is now much more than protein shakes. Our portfolio of nutrition and personal care products contribute to what has become a multi-billion dollar company operating in more than 90 countries around the world. Because of Mark’s dream and the leaders who followed thereafter, people are now living healthy, active lives and millions are enjoying our products on a daily basis. Furthermore, Herbalife has directly created thousands of jobs, and its operations contribute to the bottom line of hundreds of suppliers and vendors who employ thousands more. A team of international PhDs, doctors, scientists, even a world-renown Nobel Laureate, work to ensure our products are backed by the latest nutrition science. Whole agricultural regions are benefitting from our demand for the very best ingredients. A new generation of entrepreneurs has been given the opportunity of achieving their dream: taking control of improving their life. And thousands of vulnerable children have been given a better start in life. It’s been quite a 34 years.Globally, the World Health Organization projects that by 2015, approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese. Poor nutritional choices, limited access to healthy foods and ingredients, and low levels of physical activity have all contributed to this global challenge. Herbalife is focused on changing this health crisis by offering high-quality nutrition, weight-management and sports nutrition products at an affordable price in communities around the globe. Additionally, experience has taught us that our unique one-on-one coaching with an independent Herbalife member and in a community environment provides the appropriate amount of personalized support that inspires customers to lose weight and live a more healthy life.

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City / suburb: Flower Mound, TX

Herbalife, Coaching, Full Support, Cellular Nutrition, FREE Wellness Profile


Herbalife, Herbalife 24.

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