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Street address: 11838 Civil War Road
City / suburb: Carthage, MO
Zip code: 64836
Phone: (417) 310-4633 (Primary Phone)
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Nearest landmark: Civil War Ranch
E-mail: cookcafe.catering@gmail.com
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The family-run Cook's Cafe' & Catering offers an array of culinary services, including catering for business parties, luncheons, wedding receptions

The family-run Cook's Cafe' & Catering offers an array of culinary services, including catering for business parties, luncheons, wedding receptions, take-out Thursdays, in-house Friday dining, and even monthly Culinary Craft classes. Brigham Cook, a chef with Culinary Arts training, can cook anything from French cuisine to Italian and Mexican dishes to country BBQ. Brigham has been working in the restaurant industry since 2001, most recently as the Executive Chef at Broadview Country Club in Carthage, MO. Planning a wedding reception? We specialize in providing just what your heart desires! Looking to do take-out business lunches? We have a great selection at amazing prices! We also offer corporate luncheon catering for employees. Want to host a party at your own home and don't want to hassle with food preparation? Let us create a menu to suit your specific needs. We do the work while you enjoy the praise! Planning a company lunch or dinner? Our Chef can create a personalized menu to fit your specific event and needs! We also do "Meals To Go." Every Thursday, we feature a new and exciting dinner fresh from our kitchen to your table. You make the reservation, we prepare the cuisine, and you pick it up on your way home! Each meal feeds 6-8 people, is very affordable and a great alternative for families who like to dine out but hate the dining-out price! Maybe you're in the market for a wedding-reception caterer.We offer full wedding services and have the ability to produce a beautiful menu created just for you on your special day. Meet with our Chef and he'll help you unlock all the possibilities, determine your personal preferences and style, and come up with the just-right menu -- whether it be French Modern Cuisine or Country Cooking. Rest assured we will provide top-notch services along with excellent food! And don't forget, each Friday night, Cook's Cafe' hosts a special endless BBQ dinner. At just $10 for adults and $5 for children 5-12, you’ll enjoy your choice of authentic smoked chicken or smoked BBQ pulled-pork sandwiches along with corn bread, two side dishes and buckets of warm popcorn! Plus, relax indoors or outside in the shade of the trees and enjoy your time on the free WiFi service! The Friday BBQ night begins early, 4:30 p.m., and runs to 9 p.m. Call us at 417-310-6433 or email us cookcafe.catering@gmail.com for more information on any of our culinary services.

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City / suburb: Carthage, MO

event hosting and catering services, nonprofit event catering services, catered picnic services, film production catering services, convention catering services, children's event catering services, party catering services, buffet style catering services, religious event catering services, restaurant dining, wedding catering services, catering services, corporate event catering services, cafe

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