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Street address: 600 East Front Street
City / suburb: Bonner Springs, KS
Zip code: 66012
Phone: (913) 441-1432 (Primary Phone)
(1 (888) 8) 410-0680 (Sales)
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E-mail: email@moonmarble.com
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Unique store in Bonner Springs, Kansas that sells marbles, traditional toys & games, and gifts. Marble making demonstrations are given weekly.

We have made wooden toys and game boards for many years, but always had difficulty finding varieties of marbles for our product. We wanted marbles that we had as children like Bumble-Bees, Cub Scouts, Puries, and so on. In 1997 this "need" led us to the opening of the Moon Marble Company store. The store is located near the intersection of K-32 & Hwy 7 in Bonner Springs, KS. We stock machine made marbles in a multitude of colors and designs in sizes from pee-wees to 50mm. In addition, we carry traditional toys & games as well as gift items for all ages. Artisan and owner Bruce Breslow frequently demonstrates his marble making. During demonstrations, Bruce will explain the process of glass working, marble history, and other fascinating areas of marble interest. We also exh

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Estimated number of employees: 10 to 19
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City / suburb: Bonner Springs, KS

marbles, old fashioned games, old fashioned toys, contemporary art marbles, children's arts and crafts, construction and building toys, activity toys, baby toys, card games, children's toys, quadrilla, marble blocks, marble games, marble runs, marble raceways, toys reproductions, collectible toys, glassworking demonstrations, torchworking, marble making, glassworking, glass marbles, art marbles, handmade marbles, traditional toys, board games, game marbles, vintage toys, retro collectibles, toy marbles


marbles, traditional toys and Games, Gifts, retro collectibles, vintage toys.

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10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
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