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City / suburb: Baltimore, MD
Zip code: 21222
Phone: (301) 769-6936 (Primary Phone)
(877) 284-7701 (Customer Service)
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24/7 Property Cleaning & Restoration Maryland, provides Water, Fire, Smoke, Sewage, Flood, Storm, extraction disaster services. Call 301-769-6936

24/7 Property Cleaning & Restoration, we are the nation's established water, smoke, flood, sewage, and fire damage restoration clean up professionals. Our certified and trained service teams can be on-site within 60 minutes, helping to restore your home or business back to it's pre-loss condition. Our fleet of trucks come fully equipped ready for any size sewage, fire, mold, or water damage to your home or business. Our proficient technicians are masters in the trade and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to alleviate your emergency restoration worries and needs. Local 1 Hour Response:Maryland: Calverton MD, Brooklyn Park MD, Arbutus MD, Rosedale MD, Dundalk MD, Catonsville MD, Lochearn MD, Overlea MD, Parkville MD, Essex MD, Ferndale MD, Elkridge MD, Towson MD, Annapolis md, Rossville MD, Pikesville MD, Bowie MD, Upper Marlboro md, and surrounding cities !Local Clean Up Services in Maryland: Water Removal, Fire Damage Restoration, Smoke Soot Damage Cleanup, Flooded Basement Cleanup, Document Drying, Flood Damage Cleanup, Water Damage Restoration, Mold Removal & Remediation, Sewage Damage Cleanup, Sewage clean up, mud removal, water extraction, mud clean up, pack out, puff back cleaning restoration, sanitizing, carpet restoration, mold remediation and water damage restoration, black mold removal, black mold removal and clean up, carpet water damage restoration, crawl space mold remediation, crawl space mold removal, fire and smoke damage restoration, mold removal, mold restoration, residential mold removal, sea water damage clean up, smoke clean up, sump pump water removal, water removal, basement pump out ,basement water damage, boiler puff backs cleaning, building restoration, burst pipe water damage, busted sprinkler heads, commercial flood damage services, commercial water damage, flood damage services, home flood damage, leaking or overflowing dishwasher water damage, local water damage services, water damage restoration, mildew fungus removal, mold testing, odor removal, overflowing tub toilets water damage, residential water damage, sewage extraction, sewage pump out, sewer back up, smoke odor removal, smoke damage drywall, sprinkler head burst water damage, sump pump failure, water damage, water damage emergency service, water mold restoration, wet carpet extraction, wet drywall water damage, oil clean up, lead removal!24/7 Local # 301-769-6936 24/7 National # 1-877-284-7701

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Estimated number of employees: 5 to 9
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Baltimore, MD

sewage extraction, sump pump water damage, water damage extraction, water and fire damage, toilet back up water damage, sump pump basement water damage, commercial basement water damage, burst pipe water damage, home water damage, drain back up water damage, mud damage, black mold removal, emergency fire damage restoration services, basement water damage, wet drywall water damage, toilet and tub overflow water damage, fire damage restoration services, church water damage, sewage clean up, wet carpet water damage, mold remediation, storm damage restoration services, mold control and removal services, emergency flood damage restoration services, flood damage extraction, commercial water damage, retail water damage, flood damage restoration services, black mold, water damage restoration services


Microban, Green Product and Applications, Peroxide Applications "Mold".

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12:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 am - 12:00 pm
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