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Street address: 100 Lucas Drive
City / suburb: Bordentown, NJ
Zip code: 08505
Phone: (609) 379-6671 (Primary Phone)
(609) 379-6671 (Customer Service)
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We are a husband and wife team who have a passion for photography and customer service. Located in Bordentown, NJ. Serving NJ, PA and DE

Hi! My name is Abigail Lydick. So often I find that people believe that my last name is Gingerale! Surprise! My last name isn't actually Gingerale, but my middle name is Ginger and the nickname Abigail Gingerale just stuck. I am a photographer living in Bordentown, NJ. I was born into a very large, creative family, I was surrounded by music, art and chaos. I loved every minute of it. During high school and college, I spent every spare moment I had in the pottery studio creating things with my hands. So when I picked up a camera, the world became mine. I was able to capture the world as I saw it through my eyes.My family is my greatest passion. I have a wonderful husband/business partner/best friend, Andy. Our daughter, Lucy, is our captivating little girl who is always ready for her close up. When I'm not chasing after our bundle of energy, we are playing dress up for a photoshoot or dancing in the puddles after it rains. I draw inspiration from my love of all things vintage and retro. I revel in natural light photography and use the beauty of nature in my photos. Pregnancy and birth photography is a passion of mine, as well as capturing families, special events and weddings!That handsome guy next to me is my husband and partner, Andy. He's pretty amazing. He continues to surprise me with his vision and how he can capture something completely different from what I see. Photography is a creative outlet for him, and he loves getting to know our couples with me. Some of our very best friends started out as wedding clients. We love building that kind of connection, and how it helps us tell your unique love story.Photos are something you keep for a lifetime. This is something we keep in mind when capturing your treasured memories during the shoot. Our photo shoots are always stress-free and relaxed. After all, you look better in your pictures when you are feeling natural and having fun. We think this is the thing that makes my photography unique. We are able to capture people and show who they are through our photos.So let's get together over coffee or meet up at one of the local wineries. We'd love to hear all about how you met, when you knew you fell in love, and all about the incredible future you're building together. Of course, we can gush over dresses and details too Send me a message and let's get connected!

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City / suburb: Bordentown, NJ

Engagement Portraits, Portrait Photography, Newborn Photography, Wedding Photography, Photography, Boudoir

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8:00 - 12:00 am
8:00 - 12:00 am
8:00 - 12:00 am
8:00 - 12:00 am
8:00 - 12:00 am
8:00 - 12:00 am
8:00 - 12:00 am
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