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Street address: 1400 16th Street Mall
City / suburb: Denver, CO
Zip code: 80202
Phone: (720) 606-4844 (Primary Phone)
(720) 606-4844 (Sales)
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Denver Drug Treatment Rehab Center

Denver Drug Treatment Rehab Center is a leading rehabilitation treatment provider offering several dual-diagnosis, mental health and drug addiction treatment centers with evidence-based practices and cutting edge holistic options for Denver addiction treatment, mental health disorders and co-occurring conditions. All of our Denver drug treatment center locations are based on a philosophy that recognizes each patient’s unique needs and circumstances by providing them with personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific treatment needs. As opposed to many other drug treatment rehab centers in Denver, we do not only offer holistic programming to aid in the rehabilitation of brain functioning, but educate our patients on life skills as well, equipping them with the tools they need to lead more productive lives and avoid relapse in the future.Accredited by the Joint Commission, our Denver residential drug rehab centers meet the highest national standards of care and are dually licensed to treat co-occurring disorders, with facilities operating as a drug rehabilitation center, an alcohol rehab center, as well as a mental health clinic. We employ innovative approaches to brain wellness to promote healthy cognition such as NAD/NTR (Naturally-Assisted Detox and Neurotransmitter Restoration) rapid detox for addiction treatment, using vitamins and nutrients to naturally restore brain health while expediting the recovery process and effectively minimizing withdrawal symptoms.Although our drug rehabilitation centers in Denver, like all our addiction treatment facilities, are committed to our standard of personalized treatment, some offer specialized treatment for particular demographics such as adolescent men with behavioral issues or female victims of trauma. Those facilities offer a greater focus on mental health - family therapy for the former and a special trauma recovery track for the latter. For information regarding program details at Denver Drug Treatment Rehab Center, insurance benefits or a complete confidential assessment, call our admissions staff today at (720) 606-4844.

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City / suburb: Denver, CO
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