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City / suburb: Las Vegas, NV
Zip code: 89117
Phone: (702) 945-8922 (Primary Phone)
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Nearest landmark: Rainbow and Desert Inn
E-mail: caninestar1@yahoo.com
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NEVADA ASSISTANCE DOGS works hand-in-hand with CANINE STAR ACADEMY to save dogs lives from the shelters and help disabled people.

Nevada Assistance Dogs and Canine Star Academy have combined their efforts to save as many wonderful dogs from the shelters as they can, while helping the disabled adopt a lifetime friend to assist them with their disability needs. We then train the dog to follow at least three commands towards the disability and do Public Access testing to ensure, provide and certify a well-behaved and well-rounded Service Dog. Certification is NOT mandated by law at this time, but it is great to have to dispel questions about the legitimacy of the Service Dog's training and behavior. "Our Standards Are High, and Our Prices Are Low!" Canine Star Academy also offers an excellent course to become a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and/or a Certified Service Dog Trainer and Handler. Consultations are free.

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City / suburb: Las Vegas, NV

dog trainers, c.p.d.t., dog trainers, potty training for all dog ages, dog behaviorist, assistance dogs, service dogs, free consultation, private classes, one hour classes, certification for assistance dog handler, dog trainers, ptsd service dog training, positive reinforcement, animal registration services, animal therapy services, animal shelters (services), animal rescue services, animal nutritionist consulting services, animal boarding services, animal behavior training services, animal services, animal adoption services, pet training services, management training services, leadership training services, educational training services, training and development services, pet sitting services, certification for service dogs


Service Dog Certification, Certified Professional Dog Trainer class, Certified Serv.Dog Trainer & Handler, Animal Behavior Specialist, Dog Behavior Consultant.

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