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City / suburb: Knoxville, TN
Zip code: 37930
Phone: (865) 551-9410 (Primary Phone)
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Empowering people to achieve their health and nutrition goals, as well as live a more balanced life, utilizing a holistic & bio-individual approach.

I am a Certified Health Coach, Holistic Health Counselor & Nutritional Consultant, based in Knoxville, TN. In addition to working directly with clients individually and in groups, I also utilize such technology as Skype & Google Voice, enabling me to work with people throughout the United States, as well as internationally.To learn more about me, please go to my website.Areas of interest/expertise include blood sugar disorders (hypoglycemia & diabetes), bipolar disorder, ADD & ADHD, autism, SPD, food allergies & sensitivities (including gluten & dairy intolerances), depression & mood disorders, eating disorders, and conditions involving the thyroid (such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis). I also look forward to working with others in improving quality of life for those living with cancer

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Estimated number of employees: 1
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City / suburb: Knoxville, TN
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Metagenics, Prothera, Inc./Klaire Labs, Pure Encapsulations, Thorne Research, Biotics Research (and others).

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