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Street address: 350 g street sw
City / suburb: Washington, DC
Zip code: 20024
Phone: (720) 210-5853 (Primary Phone)
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Nearest landmark: 4th and G ST SW
E-mail: kristen@thetickledtutu.com
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Welcome to The Tickled Tutu!!

The Tickled Tutu began as a small craft project on November 1, 2009 when I was thinking about what gifts to give to friends and family for the upcoming Christmas holiday. One of our family members LOVES, let me correct myself, ADORES MADLY, feeling like a princess; so I thought that I would simply go to a fabric store, pick out the materials needed for a tutu and move on. I had seen quite a few tutus sold in various retail stores that just didn't "tickle" my fancy, so I was going to give it a shot myself. Keep in mind that at that moment, I had probably been in a fabric store all of maybe 1 time. To say the least, I have no idea what I bought, and if I weren't totally embarrassed by the completed "tutu" and about how much I cried because it looked like it had been hit by several cars, I would probably show it to you. From then on, I continued to test out the waters, and what I learned were several things: practice makes perfect (sometimes), and doing things that make you so happy that you can't stop smiling are AWESOME soul savers--and are so needed in life. So although I have a son and not a daughter; I continue waking up happy every day to start a new Tickled Tutu adventure. The journey has been going now for years, and I can only imagine what the future may hold for The Tickled Tutu, LLC. For more information; please visit the "About Us" section of our website: www.thetickledtutu.com

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Estimated number of employees: 5 to 9
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Washington, DC

party planning services, event services, photography services, audition photography services, digital photography services, photography publishing services, photography instruction, birthday outfits, birthday decorations, birthday cake designs, party supplies rental and leasing services, party decore, baby announcements, trendy clothing, boutique fashions, novelty goods, girls' accessories, baby shower gifts, hair accessories, custom clothing, ballet tutus, formal wear, ballet dancer costumes, tutus, dresses, costumes, manufacturing services, fashion and apparel, clothing linings, clothing services


The Tickled Tutu.

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