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Street address: 703 200th Street
City / suburb: Clearwater, MN
Zip code: 55320
Phone: (320) 260-6585 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: benlberg@bergbrossetters.com
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Berg Bros Setters is an upland game training kennel. Offering training for pointing breeds, boarding and breeder of english setters and irish setters.

About Berg Bros. SettersOur approach to developing your hunting companion starts with this very straight forward premise. We will always be patient and avoid the use of excessive force. We understand this concern having employed the services of several professional trainers over the years and observing many others prior to making the leap from accomplished Amateur to Professional trainer. Aggressive tactics only serve to confuse the dog and slow the development process. Rough methods also tend to compromise the dogs overall style and performance in the end. We patiently correct mistakes with just enough force to help the dog understand what is expected. In the end, your dog's potential will be maximized without subjecting your dog to harsh methods. Second, we take on a limited number of dogs. We are of the opinion the best process is diligent and the dogs are worked at least once every day. Many trainers opt to take on a large number of dogs in order to advertise a lower weekly rate. This only serves to lengthen the process if similar results are to be achieved. There are no short cuts. Reliable performance is the product of a series of lessons that shape your dog's instinctual abilities into a polished form. This requires a thoughtful and consistent process that is best accomplished by focusing on a limited number of dogs. We also evaluate and consider the best approach for each individual dog. No two dogs are exactly the same. While the milestones in training are roughly the same for every dog, the best approach for each dog is most certainly not the same. We carefully consider your dog's progress and reaction to every step in the training process and adjust our training techniques accordingly. There are no time tables in our process. Each dog progresses through our program based on the dog's individual needs. There is no need to spend a week on something the dog has mastered in two days, just as it is not wise to push forward before the dog is ready. Our Programs: The Head Start Program covers Bird Intro, Gun Intro, Handling and Encouraging natural retrieve. The Foundation Program covers Whoa Training and Stop to Flush. The Advanced Training Program covers Steady to Wing & Shot, Steady until Shot, Stop to Flush, & Backing. Add'l training programs: Force Retrieve, Preseason Tune-Up, Wild Bird Excursion, and Private/Group Hands-On sessions. Please call us with any questions concerning our training programs offered or an individual concern you might like

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City / suburb: Clearwater, MN

started dogs, red setter puppies, english setters, dog training, dog hunting vests, pointing dogs, red setters, animal behavior training services, pet training services, pet boarding, pet collars, hunting equipment, dog boarding, puppies


Registered FDSB Dogs, Loyal Dog Food, Kuranda Dog Beds, Tri-Tronics, TK Kennels.

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