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Street address: 34 North Pine Avenue
City / suburb: Maple Shade, NJ
Zip code: 08052
Phone: (856) 755-1000 (Primary Phone)
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Capitol Beverage Service Inc

Capitol Beverage is totally committed to providing quality service, equipment and products to our customers. We continually strive to maintain and exceed our own high standards as a full service vending company. • Competitive pricing • A route service program designed to keep machines well stocked.• A survey program to learn your employees’ product preferences• Variety of healthy snack items & popular non-carbonated beverages• Modern, reliable coffee and vending machines• Superior coffee and vending service from local, reputable company• Regular visits from an account representative to ensure that we continue to meet your coffee and vending service needs• Our services can also include fresh food & ice-cream machine.

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Estimated number of employees:
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Maple Shade, NJ

vending machines, ice cream vending machines, coffee service, food vending machines, snack vending machine rentals, vending machine rentals, beverage vending machines, water filtration machine rentals


Coke, Pepsi, Keurig, Frito Lay.

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