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Street address: PO Box 367
City / suburb: Charlottesville, VA
Zip code: 22901
Phone: (434) 386-3130 (Primary Phone)
(804) 545-0529 (Customer Service)
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E-mail: sales@virginiafoam.com
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Business descriptionEdit
Virginia Foam Insulators sells and installs polyurethane spray foam insulation and other insulation products for both commercial and residential needs

Virginia Foam Insulators is a Veteran Owned small business started by James Kuhn in 2007. Today, Virginia Foam Insulators is central Virginia's regional expert in the installation of Closed-Cell and Open-Cell Polyurethane spray foam insulation. Our employees are knowledgeable in home construction and have years of experience in the application and installation of Spray Foam products. Each employee has undergone intense training in both the field as well as in the classroom, giving you the confidence you need that the job will be done right. Our employees are also highly skilled, reliable insulation installers and project managers who have met rigorous standards for performance and work ethic.

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Estimated number of employees: 5 to 9
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Charlottesville, VA

thermal insulation, insulation, spray foam insulation installation, spray foam insulation


North Carolina Foam Industries, Premium Spray Foam, Guardian, Johns Manville.

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8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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