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Street address: 690 Washington Ave
City / suburb: New Haven, CT
Zip code: 065192014
Phone: (800) 652-6175 (Primary Phone)
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Business descriptionEdit
We sell Computers, Tablets, Netbooks, Laptops, Printers, Monitors, Keyboards and many more technology related items.

Established in 2010, Lopez LAN Logistics is your one stop technology shop. We provide technology solutions for everyone - consumers, businesses, education and government. With access to sell over 1 million technology related products from over ten warehouses around the United States and multiple distributers, we are sure to find the perfect solution for you. We are focused on providing the best possible service to our clients. This includes providing great pricing, shipping our products quickly and insuring a wonderful experience for our clients. We provide this outstanding service due to our wonderful staff, partners and distributers. We have developed partnerships with some of the biggest and best names in the technology industry. Through our partnerships we are able to provide y

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Estimated number of employees: 5 to 9
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City / suburb: New Haven, CT


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