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Street address: 91-593 Kuilioloa Place
City / suburb: Ewa Beach, HI
Zip code: 96706
Phone: (808) 352-8885 (Primary Phone)
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MoAloha Blasting is a Veteran and Native Hawaiian owned and operated, cost effective, mobile, fast, flexible and safe abrasive blasting service.

MoAloha Blasting LLC is a Hawaiian and Veteran Owned Small Business that was started in January 2014. MoAloha Blasting LLC is a Mobile Wet Abrasive Blasting service, though we also have a base yard where works are able to be completed on a small to medium scale. Our MoAloha Blasting Wet Abrasive Blasting Process is very similar to sand or soda blasting, but without the majority negative effects. Some examples of Negative effects are:1. Significant dust plume.2. High abrasive usage.3. Potential damage to material due to heat generation during blasting. 4. Little to No mobility.Here is a brief description of how our MoAloha Blasting Wet Abrasive Blasting Process works and how it improves on conventional sand/soda blasting. Abrasive media is immersed in water within our blast tank. Compressed air is added and the abrasive/water mixture is routed to a nozzle where pressure and additional water injection is regulated dependent on the surface and/or material that is being removed. The ability to control and adjust the aggressiveness of the abrasive media as it discharges over a surface provides for a cost-effective and safe surface cleaning and preparation method for our customers.Listed here are a few of the many benefits of our MoAloha Blasting system provides:1. Reduction of “man-hours” required to complete works.2. 75-80% less abrasive media in comparison to conventional sand blasting.3. The flexibility of the abrasive blasting equipment.4. Mobility of our wet abrasive blasting units.5. Increased productivity of wet abrasive blasting versus conventional means of abrasive blasting.6. Significantly decrease the negative effects on the environment.7. Work is completed in less time than conventional abrasive blasting methods.8. No harsh chemicals are used in our wet abrasive blasting process.9. Our process cools the surface that is being blasted.10. No ignition source.11. Able to work on many different types of surfaces, including but not limited to Concrete, Steel, Aluminum, Wood and Fiberglass. Why is Wet Abrasive Blasting More Cost Effective?Wet abrasive blasting is a very effective means of removing mill scale, rust, old coatings and impurities from various surfaces. Also for preparing the surface for any protective coatings if required. Effective preparation is the key to successful corrosion protection and wet abrasive blasting is generally more cost effective in the long term than other conventional surface cleaning methods.

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City / suburb: Ewa Beach, HI

aluminum cleaning, abrasive blast cleaning equipment, Marina cleaning, paint removal, cement cleaning, surface cleaning, heavy equipment cleaning, Surface preparation, abrasive blast cleaning services, Graffiti removal, Tank cleaning, sandblasting services, sandblasting equipment parts and supplies, Paint removal, dustless blasting, rust removal, blast cleaning services, Boat Paint removal, wet abrasive blasting, fiberglass paint removal, Marine cleaning

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