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Street address: 307a Kamani Street
City / suburb: Honolulu, HI
Zip code: 96813
Phone: (888) 901-0170 (Primary Phone)
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SearchLock is a free tool that helps you to protect your privacy while you search the Internet.

Most browsers today come with a host of extensions that add much-needed functionality and security to the basic program. Considering the very real and potentially serious threats of identity theft and unauthorized data access, browser extensions that prevent these and other forms of digital intrusion have become essential tools in this day and age. SearchLock is one such extension, and it could provide an effective solution to most online security and privacy issues.Search activities have long been some of the most common ways by which other parties gain access to sensitive personal information. When words or phrases are typed into a search engine, they are typically logged and stored in several locations. Search information is collected by search engines, ISPs, and even unauthorized 3rd parties. In most cases, users are not even aware that their information is being collected, as the process occurs within a matter of seconds, and is generally invisible.Search information is typically collected in order to enhance search results and to provide a more satisfactory web experience for the user. However, this information can also be used for purposes which may not be to the benefit of the user. Search information can be used to identify the searcher for example, or be associated with one or more online accounts. Search information can also be used by unauthorized parties in order to ‘spam’ the user with intrusive ‘targeted’ advertising and marketing.SearchLock prevents all this from happening by restricting access to search and browsing information. Developed by Honolulu-based software firm BeeStripe, SearchLock employs a number of processes by which browsing and searching information is rendered inaccessible to other parties including search engines, ISPs, and 3rd party organizations. First, SearchLock detects when an attempt is made to track a search. The software then reroutes the search and presents the results to the user via an encrypted page. Keystrokes–which are typically stored by search engines and could be used to identify users–are also safeguarded from gathering and logging attempts.SearchLock is only one of the many innovative software solutions in the BeeStripe line. The company was founded by Steve Markowitz and Aaron Lovelace, and it has grown steadily in scope and renown in the years since it was established.

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Estimated number of employees:
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City / suburb: Honolulu, HI

Searchlock, private web search, searchlock extension

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