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Street address: 630 N 3rd St, #58, Phildelphia, PA 19123
City / suburb: Philadelphia, PA
Zip code: 19123
Phone: (215) 839-1078 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: info@grittycitybeauty.com
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Natural and organic bath, beauty, skin care and make up. We also specialize in handcrafted wedding and party favors.

Living in a Gritty City means being exposed to countless harmful chemicals and substances every day. Unknowingly exposing ourselves to extra chemicals through "beauty" products can make us look and feel less than beautiful. Founded by a new mom and litigation attorney, Gritty City's founder went on a mission to find beauty products made with clean ingredients. The search revealed that sometimes "natural" products were not really natural and contained cheap fillers; other times "natural" meant unsexy and not-so-stylish. As the owner of five pets, including three rescued animals, cruelty free was also non-negotiable. The solution was the creation of Gritty City Cosmetics. Gritty City Cosmetics is committed to providing sexy and stylish beauty products that are also natural and clean. O

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Estimated number of employees: 1
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City / suburb: Philadelphia, PA

make up, skin care, bed and bath products, personal products, candles


Gritty City Cosmetics.

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