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Street address: 579 Petersburg Road
City / suburb: Hebron, KY
Zip code: 410489630
Phone: (859) 689-7891 (Primary Phone)
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Nearest landmark: 1 mile from Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Int'l. Airport
E-mail: info@valairparking.com
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We provide off-airport express valet parking and related services for travelers leaving from the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport.

Our customers just drive into ValAir, and a valet gets into their car right away and rides with them to the airport. On the way to the airport, the valet fills out a ticket noting the customer's return date and time. Our customers get to the airport quicker than the rest because they don't have to park their car themselves. In fact it takes 5-6 minutes from when they leave the interstate, to be at the airport curb. The customer can also order a car wash, oil change, fuel fill, car detail, etc. This way, they return from their trip with their car in better condition than they left it. Because we have the keys to their car, it is insured while we have it. Our customers ride back to our lot on a van, and their car is warmed up, receipt and bottle of water inside. Don't continue to be fooled into thinking that you're saving time by heading straight to CVG from I-275. Even if you park in the Autoport garage, you will still have to find a parking spot, ride the elevator, and pull your luggage through the garage to the terminal. Next trip, just pull into ValAir and let us show you the difference! CVG brought us 94% dominance by 1 airline, causing the highest airfare in the country, also has the most expensive airport parking: ValAir Express Valet $11.99 CVG Valet $20.00 CVG Garage $14.00 ValAir EconoPark $ 5.00 CVG Valupark $ 8.00

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Estimated number of employees: 20 to 49
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Hebron, KY

Online Reservation Capability, gasoline



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