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City / suburb: Talent, OR
Zip code: 97540
Phone: (541) 973-6698 (Primary Phone)
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My website is promoting a product called the Total Wellness Cleanse.It is a 100% food cleanse that detox's and cleanse's your body of all the toxins

I am promoting, well my website howtoloseweightnaturally.org is promoting a 100% food cleanse that basically rids your body from all the toxins we put into it every day through the foods we eat. And other things that we consume. Even your hand lotions have toxins in them. Poisons that are getting into our bodies such as pesticides, fungicides, herbicides. Genetically mofified "fran foods" that actually alter our DNA! The meat that we eat, and our dairy foods have antibiotics pumped into them. This site is called the Total Wellness Cleanse http://bit.ly/VG0jkv in it you will find over 100 all natural mouth watering recipe's. Using good fresh vegetables, and fruits. The foods our bodies are meant to eat. It is a 30 day program. Starts with a 1-14 day cleansing phase, and then 15-30 maintenance phase. Going on this program you will lose weight, and you will continue to lose weight by eating the foods that we are meant to eat. Our livers are chalked full of different toxins, poisons, and until you detox, and cleanse out your liver you will never lose the weight you want to lose, and keep it off. There is an exercise section on how to flatten your abs so you will have those 6 pack abs if you want. Or if you just want to excercise to continue to lose, and maintain your bodies. It's up to you. They will take you step by step through the program so if anything comes up, or if you have any questions there will always be someone right there to help you out.

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City / suburb: Talent, OR

health drinks, foods and beverages

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