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Street address: 5409 Edinbrook Terrace
City / suburb: Brooklyn Park, MN
Zip code: 55443
Phone: (612) 353-9213 (Primary Phone)
(916) 698-5915 (Billing)
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Nearest landmark: Hwy 610& Zane Ave N
E-mail: havepetroleum@yahoo.com
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Representing several USA based Factories in Poultry Industry,Global trading activities including African Region , International brokerage...

Rustav Trade Corporation represents Poultry Processing facilities ,providing active marketing and promoting Air -Chilled Poultry processing, organic , ABF /antibiotic free/ and Natural Poultry. Agricultural Sector- to include Healthy Poultry and Fabradome lightweight fabric buildings is a mainstream of business conducted in the US and Europe. Rustav Trade Corporation has established representatives in West and Middle - African Regions, conducting Rough Diamond purchases. Secretary of MN State Registration # 282 9095 - 2 as of April 28 2008 Chapter 302 A

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Estimated number of employees: 5 to 9
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Brooklyn Park, MN

Natural Poultry Sales, Organic chicken, fabric cover hangars, Organic Poultry,Hay storage, Natural,free range chicken, Antibiotic Free Poultry , ABF Chicken



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