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Street address: 7003 Chadwick Drive, Suite 261
City / suburb: Brentwood, TN
Zip code: 37027
Phone: (615) 730-6210 (Primary Phone)
(615) 429-5151 (Polly Nelson)
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E-mail: polly@nashvilleneurotraining.com
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Leading provider in Tennessee for Brainwave Optimization with RTB™ (Real Time Balancing).

Our non-invasive, non-chemical modality can increase clarity of thinking, creativity and performance. It can help you triumph over addictions, pain, stress, sleeplessness and sadness. It can also improve your child's ability to learn. Every series of sessions begins with a brain map. Our sensors are placed in strategic spots on your head. They collect information that enables you to actually see your brain. Our brain trainers will work with you to interpret the data and describe your brain balances and imbalances. We work with you to set goals and then, we work with your brain to restore it to its natural state of balance and harmony. The sessions involve translating your brainwaves into melodious sounds, allowing the brain to "hear" itself and coaxing it into harmony. Brainwave Optimization with RTB™ (Real Time Balancing) is intended to facilitate relaxation and auto-calibration of neural oscillations. Individual results may vary. Brainwave Optimization with RTB™ is not intended to treat, cure, heal or diagnose any disease, mental illness or symptom. If currently under care with a primary care physician, therapist or other medical professional, you are encouraged to consult with them prior to beginning Brainwave Optimization with RTB™.

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Estimated number of employees: 5 to 9
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City / suburb: Brentwood, TN

mind, drugs related to social anxiety disorder, drugs related to panic disorder, drugs related to bipolar disorder, sleep disorders physicians, eating disorders counseling services, alternative medicine equipment and supplies, alternative medicine, mental, science of the mind, therapy, mental disabled and developmentally disabled services, mental health services, therapy services, memory improvement training services, neurotherapy, training and development services, personal training services, brain, bioelectromagnetic therapy and training, biofeedback therapy and training, brain training, teaching/learning aids, alternative medicine specialists, depression, holistic physicians, social anxiety disorder, post traumatic syndrome, sleep disorder services, holistic health services


Brainwave Optimization, Brainstate Technologies, Quantum Physics.

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8:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
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