Edit info for Viva Healthy Life - The Center for Holistic Medicine and Cosmetics

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Street address: 9922 Roosevelt Blvd.Red Lion Shopping Plaza, Alliance Physician Association Building
City / suburb: Philadelphia, PA
Zip code: 19115
Phone: (267) 403-3085 (Primary Phone)
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Nearest landmark: Best Buy Store
E-mail: info@vivahealthylife.com
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Viva Healthy Life established by Dr. Victor Tsan CHP, GMBCP, L.Ac. Dr. Olga Selkova LAc joined the team in 2011 as a licensed acupuncturist.

10 reasons why Viva Healthy Life is your right choice.First visit always free.Customized individual sessions. No contracts to sign, no pressure to enroll in long-term programs. We are certified professionals. And this is important. We are medical doctorsHolistic medicine is not our hobby. We are full-time licensed and certified medical practitioners. Our office located on a shopping plaza next to other health and wellness centers. Our strategy and methodology are not limited to acupuncture or hypnosis or reiki - we do everythingWe are not selling anythingAnd the last, but not least... After first paid visit (not the initial, which is free) you can cancel your treatment if you do not feel excited and get your money back. Yes, you heard me right.

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Estimated number of employees: 2 to 4
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Philadelphia, PA

biorhythm, herbalists, guna, mesotherapy, suction couplings, skin care products, reiki massage services, photon skin care, reflexology massage services, deep tissue massage services, aromatic massage services, massage services, specialized dietary supplements, acupuncture services, dietary supplements, cavitation liposuction, liposuction treatments, skin services, diamond microdermabrazion, neuro linguistic programming, hypnotherapy, holistic health certification services, homeopathic physicians, hypnosis, rf cosmetic, drugs related to weight loss, weight loss, health services


Stomach Mind Band, Classical Acupuncture, Traditional Reiki, Clinical Hypnosis, Anti-Tobacco.

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9:00 am - 8:00 pm
9:00 am - 8:00 pm
9:00 am - 8:00 pm
9:00 am - 8:00 pm
9:00 am - 8:00 pm
1:00 - 5:00 pm
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