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Street address: 113 W El Portal Drive, Suite B
City / suburb: Merced, CA
Zip code: 95348
Phone: (209) 383-7804 (Primary Phone)
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Merced Pediatric Dentistry - Marie Moran DDS

Merced Pediatric Dentistry is a leading pediatric dental practice offering a kid-friendly atmosphere to accommodate and ensure parents that their children are in the best care, have excellent dental treatments, and an out of this world experience at the dentist. We go to infinity and beyond to help implement a foundation of good oral health that will give you child a million dollar smile that will last a lifetime. We educate our patients about accurate brushing habits, flossing techniques, and the importance of routine dental office visits. Early education prepares kids for a lifetime of excellent dental health!At Merced Pediatric Dentistry we strive to make every child feel at ease. Upon entering our rocket ship our patients have access to our intergalactic tools which features the latest electronic entertainment including flat screen TVs in every chair and Playstations and Nintendo DS's our waiting areas and patient rewards for a job well done. A combination of our recognized doctors, loving crew, and fun ambience a typical office visit becomes an unforgettable experience. Are you ready for lift off?

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City / suburb: Merced, CA

Pediatric Dentist, Emergency Dental Service, Teeth Whitening Service, Dentist


Pediatric Dentist, Dentistry.

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7:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
7:00 am - 5:00 pm
7:00 am - 4:00 pm
7:00 am - 1:00 pm
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