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Street address: P O Box 367418 Deerwood Ln
City / suburb: Lexington, TN
Zip code: 38351
Phone: (731) 614-1296 (Primary Phone)
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E-mail: machinetoolswinslow@yahoo.com
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Business descriptionEdit
Buyer/Seller of industrial equipment and machine tools. We purchase throughout the mid south and mid west. We strive to sell nationwide and overseas.

We Buy for cash, liquidate via contract, broker with owner's agreement. We offer as well appraisal and auction services. We have shipped throughout the forty eight states as well as to Mexico, Canada, India, Belgium and other countries. We offer honesty, integrity, hard work and a personal touch. We visually inspect the equipment we offer. We are not an internet broker. Equipment we own is functional and repaired as needed. A return privilege is usually offered. We advertise on several machinery websites as well as machinetoolswinslow.com. Thank you for considering our company !

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Estimated number of employees: 2 to 4
Annual sales estimate: 0
City / suburb: Lexington, TN

industrial machinery and equipment

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