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Street address: 11555 Heron Bay Blvd.
City / suburb: Coral Springs, FL
Zip code: 33076
Phone: (954) 603-0454 (Primary Phone)
(954) 270-5753 (Richard's Direct Line)
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As a public adjuster in South Florida, Richard Cylc of USA Claims Consultants works for you… not for the insurance company.

Richard's sole purpose is to make sure that your side of the claim is properly represented so that you get a full, fair settlement. When and if you have incurred a loss and need to file an insurance claim, you should strongly consider hiring the services of a Public Adjuster in South Florida. You wouldn’t operate on yourself, or remove your own wisdom teeth… so why would you try to file an insurance claim on your own? You pay your insurance premium in full and on time each month. When you experience a loss due to water, fire, theft, vandalism, storm or anything else, you deserve to get paid in full by your insurance company. Unfortunately, generally speaking, when people file their own claims, they tend to get paid less than a full, fair settlement amount, or even worse, their claim gets denied. Get a public adjuster like U.S.A. Claims Consultants on your side and, studies show, you'll collect significantly more from your insurance company. Why settle for less?

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Estimated number of employees: 2 to 4
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City / suburb: Coral Springs, FL

public adjuster, claim processing, damage assessment, insurance consulting services

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9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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